
Avi Mendelson, Second International Workshop on Future Architectural Support for Parallel Programming (FASPP'12)

Avi Mendelson presented TERAFLUX project at the Second International Workshop on Future Architectural Support for Parallel Programming (FASPP'12) - June 10, 2012 in Portland, OR, USA.


The Teraflux approach for massive parallel processing on-die
Avi Mendelson - Microsoft Technion - Israel Institute of Technology


University of Delaware joined TERAFLUX

TERAFLUX project has a new partner: University of Delaware represented by Guang Gao, distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
The reviewers called Gao "a world-class scientist whose work is highly complementary to the existing project consortium".
For more information you can read the article "World-class scientist" published on UDaily.


TERAFLUX is organizing the CASTNESS'12 workshop in Paris in conjunction with the HiPEAC'12 conference.

CASTNESS'12, is dissemination jointly supported by the 4 FET Tera Device Computing projects:

- EURETILE project: EUropean REference TIled Architecture experiment
- TERAFLUX project: Exploiting Dataflow Parallelism in Teradevice Computing
- TRAMS project: Terascale Reliable Adaptive Memory Systems Project
- S(o)OS project: Resource-independent execution support on tera-scale systems

More info about the CASTNESS'12 presentations is available here.

TERAFLUX paper awarded as "best paper" at Future Computing 2011

The paper by UNISI (Universita degli Studi di Siena) authors: Zhibin Yu, Andrea Righi, Roberto Giorgi, "A Case Study on the Design Trade-off of a Thread Level Data Flow based Many-core Architecture", has been awarded as best paper at the Third International Conference on Future Computational Technologies and Applications "FUTURE COMPUTING 2011" held in Rome, Italy on September 25-30, 2011.


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