HPCWire: Prof. Guang Gao illustrates advantages of the codelet model
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Submitted by giorgi on
This software aims at demonstrating that we can easily provide a very small and powerful runtime for running programs that are coded in whatever programming model, but that could be *executed* in a DATAFLOW style. The Dataflow Run Time (DRT) provides the runtime support for that
The first benefit of this software is to allow a rapid development of such programs in the context of the TERAFLUX project http://teraflux.eu
Submitted by giorgi on
TERAFLUX contributed to continuing the tradition of the Dataflow Workshp.
This year there has been a reord attendence of about 50 people.
See this website for updates on the proceedings: http://www.cs.ucy.ac.cy/conferences/dfmworkshop/2013/
Submitted by giorgi on
Submitted by giorgi on
Submitted by giorgi on
Submitted by giorgi on
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Roberto Giorgi presented TERAFLUX project at the Multicore Architectures and Their Effective Operation 2012 -Barcelona, Spain, June 28th - 29th, 2012
Here are the slides of the presentation: TERAFLUX, Effective Operation of Dataflow Parallelism in Teradevices