TERAFLUX: Exploiting Dataflow Parallelism in Teradevice Computing
The TERAFLUX “Transformation Hierarchy”

What is TERAFLUX about?
- Multi-cores and Many-cores
- Multithreaded Execution
- Programming Models
- Reliability
- The Partners are: University of Siena (Coordinator),
Barcelona Supercomputing Center, CAPS Enterprise, Hewlett Packard, INRIA, Microsoft R&D, THALES SA, University of Augsburg,University of Cyprus, University of Manchester, and
The University of Delaware.
- The Coordinator (Scientific Manager) is Prof. Roberto Giorgi at the University of Siena
- TERAFLUX is a Future Emerging Technologies (FET) INTEGRATED PROJECT (IP) granted by the European Commission’s FP7 IST programme’s FET Proactive initiative with 6.12 million euro (total cost 8.21 million euro). The project started on January 1st 2010 and run for 51 months until March 31st 2014.
For further details on the Technical Approach, please click: